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How should you allocate budget for your website design ?

Get the most out of your website design budget – follow our comprehensive guide to allocation strategies. Click now to learn more

Hundreds of thousands of comparable businesses strive for a good market share by capturing the attention of their target audience; a decent website, in particular, plays a vital role in converting every audience into a client.

How should you allocate a budget for your website design ?

Website Design budgets can be allocated based on your requirements and business necessities, it can be budgeted into three types,

  • Low budget Website Design
  • Medium budget Website Design
  • High budget Website Design

To find which type of budget fits your website design requirements, do try to answer these queries below. Using the answers, you have given, you can get an idea about how many pages you might need and how you can allocate a budget for your website design

  • What do you want to gain through the website ?
  • What type of service/product do you like to sell online ?
  • What’s the purpose of your website ?


Website Design on Budget?

Each website design is on a budget and a purpose to fulfill business requirements. With specific requirements, you will be able to afford the high budget website design quality even with the lowest budget.

"When it comes to designing a website, most prefer to build it based on the budget and here is why you shouldn't choose DIY website platform blindly?" Check our blog post "Top 8 biggest mistakes of DIY website" to know more

Here are the website features that vary based on your budget

Here are the website features that vary based on your budget

Animation & Graphics

When it comes to website design, it involves both animations and graphics. Even stuffing them up might ruin your website, so adding the necessary one’s especially designed for your website will help your website load faster and work smoother. Website Design is otherwise called a revenue magnet. When new viewers enter your website for the first time, they would love to go through the website pages only if your website design creates a good impression on first time visitors. So allocating a budget to create a unique website design especially for you, to allocating a budget for having a similar website design like a million others has a great difference.

"Animation and Graphics in a website makes it look more cool as well as unique. How about "Pumping your sales with these remarkable design pointers"

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is required in order for your website to rank in Search Engine Results Pages (SERP). Google ranks websites based on certain keywords and relevant content relevant to your company or product. Most companies might set you up a plugin in low budget website design which isn’t really Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the plugin consists of few codes that can be useful in indexing your website for google search. Yet it doesn’t help your website to rank in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), like professionals do. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves every design and content aspects of your website to rank your website in search engines.

Number of Pages

Each and every website category can be differentiated from its pages. Consider you’re a blogger, you might need just a 

  • Homepage
  • Blog Page
  • About us
  • Contact us page

When your website is about selling something or providing services like

  • B2B
  • B2C
  • Saas
  • SAP

Your website would require more than four pages which will involve having additional pages like

  • Knowledge base directory

If your business has a software or tool with a user subscription model, a knowledge base directory should be mandatory to help new users with “Product Help Guide” and “Solutions to FAQs”. Most of them who even take a trial period to test your tool, would require most of the assistance they can get before they choose to subscribe to your tool. So using a knowledge base directory page will help new users to learn and go through the tool rather than contacting your customer support frequently.

  • Pricing and Features Page

Pricing and Features page is all about fixing a price of subscription for your tool. Whenever a user likes your software or tool, if they’re willing to subscribe , they would compare your pricing between each pricing pack and maybe compare your price with similar software from some other company. So pointing out certain features along with pricing might help convert potential customers into existing customers. Most importantly comparing your product pricing along with your competition will help you understand which feature can convert a potential audience into a customer.  

  • Services Page or Features Page

In the Services page, you can show off about your specific service you offer or specific feature of your product. When I mean showoff, there is an ideal thing every business should really understand. A user before subscribing to your tool or checking on a trial version, the user goes through the services/features page to understand “What better you offer than the other company?” , through these pages, you can convince any potential audience into a customer to try your software or subscribe to your software. So make sure the contents within the service page or feature page are updated frequently.

Hosting and Domain

Domain costs are usually less based on “how you choose your domain” . Some domain names are costly due to popularity and demand for the specific domain name, while some are free and less costly. You can renew the domain each year once you have purchased it completely.

Hosting your website is important, so choosing the right hosting platform to host your website will also help your website to be faster even during the peak traffic.

How can we help your company grow?

If you’ve read everything up to this point, it may appear like there’s a lot to take in. You don’t have to be concerned since we provide comprehensive online brand building and business growth solutions to secure your company’s long-term success. From website design to CRM customer management, we manage your company’s performance from start to end, creating a standard for your competitors.

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Feel Free to Contact us

UTDS Optimal Choice is an Albanian web design agency that is a Google Partner. We provide our clients with complete design, development, and marketing services. Contact us now at contact@utds.al to learn how we can help your business thrive, or use the live chat function at the bottom right of the screen to talk with us right now. We work with clients of all sizes across the United Kingdom and the United States.

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