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Reasons To have a website and Stop Thinking About Offline Marketing

Unlock the power of online marketing! Discover why having a website is crucial for your business growth and leave offline marketing behind.

Offline marketing strategies have been pushed back to the stone age era, but still, some offline marketing campaigns along with a website as well as online advertising will work like a charm and boost your business performance. Ya, you heard it right!

Before we let you know why you need a website when you have offline marketing, you must first understand what offline marketing is.

What is an offline marketing campaign?

Offline marketing is a collection of channels, coordinated efforts, and techniques used to promote items or services for the brick and mortar store. It is a conventional kind of marketing that has been used for a long time, particularly before the rise of the Internet era. 

Although there has been a significant rise in internet marketing trends, some companies do make a mixed investment in both offline and online advertising, so even if offline advertising fails to garner the result, Online advertising could lead as the saviour. 

You might come up with a question, What do you mean by mixed investment in Online and Offline Advertising? Well, it’s called Online to Offline (O2O) advertising, with a simple website and online advertising, you can drive customers to your local store to boost sales.

How does this Online to Offline Advertising Work?

Data is an important factor when it comes to advertising, so using your previous offline advertising and sales data, we can gain leverage over the data and implement online advertising to tap into a wide range of audiences with similar purchase behavior. 

Have you ever heard of Amazon 4-Star, Amazon invested billions in opening its brick and mortar stores around the United States. Let us get to the point, Using a website and online advertising, Amazon is gaining customers to its retail stores. Like

  • If your customers want to buy a product, the first thing they do is search for it online. With Online advertising and a Website, they will be given two options, either purchase online to home delivery or Instore Pickup. If they find it in nearby stores, the first thing they decide is to pick the product from the store directly.
  • Using this Online to Offline Advertising strategy, Amazon got hold of another 20% of customers who love to shop in-store.

Now you might have felt like Buddha enlightenment, so using a Website you can gain more audience if you invest wisely rather than just offline marketing campaigns which are already outdated.

Does the cost of investing in Offline Advertising is the same as Online Advertising?

Definitely not, 

  • Offline Advertising costs you more with fewer results, while Online Advertising costs you less and gains the expected result.
  • In Offline Advertising, the range of audience and investment matters to make sure at least two to three persons buy your product or visit your business. However, with Online Advertising you can reach a wide range of audiences who are really interested in your product rather than wasting money on who isn’t.
  • You might say, with an offline marketing campaign you can reach places without the Internet. Question is, How many such places have people anymore in it?

"when it comes to investing in what you don't know, the first thing that comes to the mind is "Would that fit in the budget?" Don't worry, do check our blog post to get a clear understanding "How should allocate budget for your website design?"

Now the question might pop up in your mind, what does it have to do with the website? Well, here is why

Reasons To have a website and Stop Thinking About Offline Marketing
Reach Larger Audience

With a Website, you can create exposure for your business, it can be a lavishing restaurant or hotel with a beach view or brick and mortar store. One time investment in a website gets your business clear visibility around the audiences in your locality and within the country. Even If you want to sell online, your audience might be of a specific location or region, in that case, we can help you with an Ecommerce website with Logistics Integration and customized CRM, so most of your processes are automated and ordered delivered on time without delay.

Is there a possibility to gain exposure even If I have a homerun business? With a website, we can create a legitimate identity and exposure to your business. The current generation is more dependent on the internet and a frequent internet user too, so all it takes is a One-time Investment for a website and investment in Ads to drive in more customers if you’re interested to do so.

Even if you have a homerun business, where some work from home, women sell homemade soaps, environmental-related products like earrings made from banyan bark etc… There is always an audience for your business and idea, but to gain the exposure you don’t have to spend a lot of money on offline marketing campaigns. All you have to do is, have a website, create social media presence and run google ads, eventually you will receive a large number of audiences, potential customers and even drop shippers who would want to sell your products for their audience. This all can be done with less investment compared to what you invest in Offline Marketing Campaign. 

"There is always a competitor for every company, it can be small business or big corporates, yet still few strategies can make you lead ahead of your competitor" Check out blog post about "How website traffic made your competitor better sales person than you"

Customer Interaction

Whenever someone searches for products or services from a specific area, the Google search engine ranks websites based on a specific location or around the location and the country. Even if it’s Paid Traffic or Organic Traffic, the Google search engine isn’t going to display a business or service in the United States, while you’re searching from the United kingdom. So having a website for your business will help you gain exposure within the specific location and within the country. 

With a Website, potential customers or existing customers can understand the services you offer, updates to services, Offers or discounts during special occasions, and even the values you provide to the customers. You don’t need to invest in an offline marketing campaign every time to let your customers know about it, all you have to do is just update the website and send in the customer newsletter. It’s faster, easier, and less costly

Business Credibility

Other than just exposure to business, the Website gives you credibility. You might ask how? Well, the number of people who visited your website and received good services from your company, will let others know through business reviews on platforms like Yelp or Google Business. You can invite your existing customers to review your service or product, in that way your business gains great exposure and credibility. A Customer opinion about a business is what makes another customer try your services or buy your product. When it comes to offline marketing campaigns, it takes a long time with word of mouth and the possibility of gaining a customer through it has odd chances compared to gaining customers through a website.

Marketing Campaign Tracking

Now is the important part, with offline marketing campaigns you can’t track the result nor benefit you’re gaining through the specific offline marketing campaign. So without the data, you would have to invest blindly in offline marketing campaigns which are also outdated and can be easily overlooked in most parts of the country. 

When it comes to having a website, you can track the number of audiences who visit your website, the number of audiences showing interest, age group, location etc… You can track them through Google Analytics, using the relevant data we can invest in Google Ads which will get you more potential leads and customers. You can decide either your customers can purchase directly online or Instore Pickup using Google Ads.

"Google Ads can be placed by anyone, yet making sure to use the right person like a Google Partner will make sure your ads bring in the expected ROI"

Get in Touch

UTDS Optimal Choice is a Google Partner website design agency in Tirana, Albania. We offer full design, build and marketing services to our clients. Working with clients of all shapes and sizes across the United Kingdom and the United States, get in touch with contact@utds.al today to see how we can help your business or use the live chat service at the bottom right of the screen to talk to us directly.

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