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8 Websites that drive customers away

Keep customers hooked with a websites revamp. Identify and fix 8 critical mistakes that repel potential buyers. Reclaim their attention now!

As we all know, How websites have become part of everyone’s lifestyle. There are still some websites with quality products/services lacking visibility and audiences due to certain mistakes in the website. Here we will point out 

  • Which of those mistakes affect your organic ranking and 
  • Which among those are really pushing your customers to check your competitor’s website

Common mistake in Websites

There are usually two reasons behind these mistakes,

  • Non-Professional 
  • DIY Website

Whenever you try to build a website using a DIY website platform, less understanding of customer perspective and algorithm updates will eventually ruin your online growth performance. Other than that, if your website is built by a non-professional, then your website may come with all the errors as inclusive of the package.

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8 Websites that drive customers away

8 Websites that drive customers away

Outdated Website Design

The Trend of website designs and algorithm updates will change from time to time. Google provides a core update and secondary update every year that can help search term users find websites relevant to their search term. If your website isn’t updated accordingly relevant to those updates, then you might lack organic growth and ranking of your website in Search Engine Results Page (SERP) periodically.

On the other hand, Trending website design. If your website design is none other than a template used by 1000 other similar businesses, then your website will eventually lack an audience, if your visitors have already come across your website design. Google Updates revolve around marketing, advertising, code and design of the website. So making sure to update it accordingly will eventually demand an upgrade of your website design and so on to make your website rank on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

Slow Responsiveness

Slow responsiveness and the slow website loading speed is one of the common mistakes that slip through, this problem occurs due to junking unnecessary codes and adding large files to the website. Removing unnecessary codes will boost your website speed and as well play a major role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), to boost your website performance. 

Another common mistake that leads to slow responsiveness is due to errors in User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) website design. Whenever a professional website design company designs a website, they make sure to optimize your website design and make it user friendly.

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Not Mobile Friendly Websites

8 Websites that drive customers away

Four to five years ago, not being mobile-friendly was just an error that can be optimized accordingly. At today’s growth rate, a Website being Mobile Friendly is mandatory to receive customers. As per the data from Statista, almost two-thirds of people use mobile for finding the best places to dine in or places to visit, normal google search, and even purchase a product. The Increase of mobile users has increased the demand for websites optimized for mobile.

Google’s new update “Mobile-First” entirely focuses on providing relevant websites for mobile users, importantly this update indexes the mobile version of your website prior to the desktop version. This entirely changes “how your website ranks in SERP”.

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No Call to Action button

The call to action button is vital to convert a potential customer into sales. Websites with the Call to Action button have seen an increased conversion rate compared to the websites without the CTAs. Placing Call to action button plays an important role in converting a visitor into a potential customer, like

  • Notify Button

When a user likes your product and if you don’t have any offers for now. You can give them an option to notify them, the best-case scenario you can notify the customer whenever your company products are on seasonal offers.

  • Subscribe Button

Subscribe Button is more like a newsletter popup, subscribe button helps you to inform your customers with all sorts of business growth information, offers, and importantly new launches.

  • Purchase Button

The purchase button helps a potential customer act upon his/her decision once they love your product. Rather than dragging them throughout the website to purchase your product, giving them an option to get to the cart with a click will help you convert a potential customer into sales at no time.

Bluffing Content

Apart from Website design, content is the root of the website. However, even if your website design is top-notch and the content is not good, then the visitors will leave your website faster than they got in. Make sure the Website content is of good quality rather than focusing on the quantity.

What to do and What not to do

  • Do not stuff keywords
  • Do not brag
  • Use Common understandable words
  • Do not copy past content
  • Use rich and catchy phrases
  • Be precise, express it sweet and short

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Broken Links

Broken links are common and unprecedented errors that occur frequently on a website. Whenever you move your blog post or change the permalink within the website for the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) purpose, then wherever the link was used directs the users to an error page.

Common reasons for broken links

  • Content Management System Update
  • Website Portal Update
  • Changing Permalink within the website
  • Removing or moving website page from one link to another

Low-Quality Images and Videos

Low-quality images and videos ruin the website quality, as we mentioned above how website design and content is important for the website. Using good quality images and videos are important too. Using fewer quality images will ruin your website reputation and visibility. Do not use less quality video or images on the website.

Poor Navigation

The navigation system completely changes for both the desktop website and mobile version of the website. When it comes to the desktop version of the website, make sure your website navigation system is easy to navigate, so first-time visitors or potential customers can go through your website that can help them make a purchase decision. When it comes to the mobile version of the website, use a combo navigation system rather than a hidden navigation system which will ruin the engagement ratio of the website viewers.

How can we help you?

We are UTDS Optimal Choice, a website design and advertising agency in Albania striving to help small, medium, and large scale businesses to achieve their respective vision and mission. Having a website that doesn’t attract any future prospects and even drives away new visitors is a waste of investment as well as becomes a major downfall of the company. To help you from downfall and improve your business performance, do contact us now at contact@utds.al

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