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5 reasons Why your website isn’t ranking in first page of Search Engine Results Page

Discover why your website isn’t ranking on the first page of SERP. Learn 5 key reasons and how to optimize your website for better ranking.

When it comes to websites, everyone tries different strategies to rank on the first page of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). A simple google search of your company name will fetch your website directly, but to make sure you receive organic audiences. You have to focus on ranking your website in a specific keyword or number of keywords related to the business/services you offer.

So you would have already planned and implemented Search Engine Optimization (SEO) keywords within your website from Homepage to final Contact Us page, and still, if you’re not receiving expected organic ranking in Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Then there might be two important reasons

  • Fierce competition for the specific keyword ranking
  • Your Website is missing search engine results page (SERP) ranking requirements

You might be a professional, still thinking this post isn’t going to do you any good. What if we said? Our Concept of explaining and making sure everyone gets benefited from it is way far from what any professional could Overlook, so feel free to check them below

What is a SERP or Search Engine Results Page?

Search Engine Results Page is Google’s response page for the user queries. Each website link is ranked from the first page of SERP to the last page, based on the quality of the content and knowledge related to a specific query.

Search Engine Results Page (SERP) shows two types of rankings

  • Paid     
    • Google Ads related to your Search
  • Organic Search
    • Location of a business related to your search
    • A solution from a website related to your search 

Paid Ranking

The paid ranking is none other than using Google Ads to rank in a specific keyword or multiple keywords. It’s the fastest way to rank on the first page of Search Engine Results Page (SERP) other than organic ranking which takes months or years.

For Example: When you search a specific search query like marketing companies, among 1M related search terms SERP will show the google ads related search term on the first page of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Especially in the first portion of the page.

Organic Search

Organic Search is of two types, based on location and solution.

Location-Based Search

So whenever you search for a business around the UK or a specific service in your locality. Search Engine Results Page (SERP) will rank the website links which serve in the location you searched for and most of the time, even if you didn’t add location in the search term, Google uses your GPS location to provide the relevant results.

Solution-based search

The solution-based search term is the common search term, where people search queries like “Professional Website Tips” or something like “Why we should hire a Google partner?”, Google Search Engine Results Page (SERP) shows relevant search terms based on the query and good content with a solution to the query.

Now that you know about the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), however, there are certain reasons your website isn’t ranking on the first page of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Most of them would have a query about “Why aren’t there any visitors to the website ?”. We have answered them in the blog post, do get benefitted from it.

The reason why your website isn’t showing on the first page of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP)

  • Website Responsiveness

Website Responsiveness play an important role in balanced bounce rate, there are two types of views for a website

  • Random Views
  • Selective Views          

Random views are often coming through Search Engine Results Page (SERP) ranking, whenever a user searches for a specific search term and google fetches a relevant website related to that search term. So a user, get’s to check the website link and if the website isn’t responding properly, then the user will leave sooner. Whenever a random viewer leaves your website soon due to problems with website responsiveness or irrelevant content, it will affect your website ranking on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). However, the bounce rate is good, but an increase in bounce rate will get your website deserted. Use Google Analytics to identify bounce rates and optimize the website to keep it balanced.

On the other hand, selective views are those who come directly to your website using your website link or name. Frequent views from the same user aren’t calculated as views after the first time.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is another major part to make your website rank on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). To be precise, even if you have added all the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tags and codes, optimizing them every 6 months is necessary. With recent Google algorithm updates, Google is focusing more on Content and Google Ads rather than just a website. So understanding the algorithm and updating the website to adopt for the updated algorithm is critical to make your website rank on the first page of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP)

What you shouldn’t do?

Going for rapid gains in SEO is generally referred to as “black hat SEO“. To rank rapidly, black hat SEO practitioners employ deceptive practices such as “keyword stuffing” and “link scraping”. It could help in the short term to drive visitors to your website. However, after a period, Google will penalize and even block your site, ensuring that you will never rank.

  • Content Generation

Ghosting your website without frequent blogging nor creating social media presence will hurt your website ranking badly. Frequent blogging with content relevant to your business or services you offer will help your website rank in multiple keywords as well garner views through ranking in multiple search terms. It’s a long term growth, you won’t be able to see the immediate but it helps you in the long run.

How to find which content will help you in the long run?

Use Google Trends to find which specific keywords and queries related to your business or services you offer are ranking in your specific region. Create Contents using that keywords and queries, Important aspects to note 

  • Don’t stuff keywords
  • Don’t bluff 
  • Don’t drag and brag

Keep it simple and elegant, so your viewers don’t get bored reading your content. 

  • Broken Links

Broken Links are a nightmare for most website owners. Changing or moving certain content within the website that has a website link, will create a broken link within your website. It will be accessible to users online as long as you haven’t Re-Indexed it again. The page will show an error message and will increase the bounce rate faster than ever. Whenever you have made changes, make sure you Recrawl and Reindex the website after the changes you made. Most importantly, the SiteMap is necessary to help crawlers figure out the pages within your website.

How to find which pages are indexed and which aren’t?

Search “Site: Domain name” in google search, instead of “domain name” use your website name if it comes with .com, .uk etc… Once you make a google search with it, it will show you the results which pages are indexed.

  • Search Engine Results Page (SERP) Guidelines

Search Engine Results Page (SERP) Guidelines vary between Google, Bing, Yandex, and Baidu. So if you’re a user from around China or targeting a specific group of audiences within China, you would have to optimize your website based on Baidu Search Engine Results Page (SERP) Guidelines. In that way, you will be able to receive audiences from China too. When it comes to Google, their guidelines make sure spam websites are outranked and hacking websites stay at bay. Check the Google Guidelines

Here is how Google punishes the users who don’t obey Google Guidelines

  • Deindexed

When your domain is fully deleted from Google, it is said to be deindexed. Banned is another name for Banned.

  • Penalized

When your domain or page continues to exist but none of your pages can be located using extremely specific search searches. This penalty might be issued automatically by the Google algorithm or manually by a Google Quality Engineer.

  • Sandboxed

Your domain or page was not Deindexed or Penalized, yet Google traffic suddenly declines substantially.

What’s the best way to rank in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP)?

By going through the above topics, you would’ve understood the importance of ranking in the Search Engine Results Page(SERP) as well as the reasons for “Why your website isn’t ranking in the first page of Search Engine Results Page (SERP)?”

Assume you’ve just launched a fantastic new product and are eager to share your success with the rest of the world. Unfortunately, you have no clue how to reach as many of your target consumers as possible with this new product.

The majority of the time, the solution to your problem ultimately comes down to choosing between two marketing strategies, organic traffic vs paid traffic.

For Short term growth and to create a better stand from the start while building for long term growth, the only possible way is through Google Ads. Here is why!

It’s Google’s data on how Organic Results Affect Ads. Check out ThinkwithGoogle for more information.

However Organic traffic may need more time to show results, compared to Paid traffic. Paid Traffic might look expensive because people forget ads can be placed based on your budget and gain the expected returns every month through the ads. More importantly, it boosts your Website Ranking to rank on the first page of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) from the start.

5 Reasons Why Your Website Isn't Ranking In First Page of Search Engine Results Page

How can we help you?

UTDS Optimal Choice is a Google Partner website design agency in Tirana, Albania. We offer full design, build and marketing services to our clients. Working with clients of all shapes and sizes across the UK and USA, get in touch today to see how we can help your business contact@utds.al or use the live chat service at the bottom right of the screen to talk to us directly.

Send us a short brief for your project and we will be back to you with a solution for it

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