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Top 6 drawbacks of using website design template

Ready to take your website design to the next level? Learn about biggest drawbacks of using website templates. Contact Us Now!!

There are various DIY platforms that allow you to create a website in a matter of minutes, with only a few clicks. Most individuals are more concerned with selecting the correct template for their website, due to the cost or budget. However, employing a predesigned, generic template is not a smart idea.

Here is how should you allocate budget for your website design

What is a website design template ?

A Website Design Template is a pre-built complete package of website design along with few number of pages. These website design templates are cheaper and most of the time, it’s free of cost too. You might come up with a question, “How come these website design templates are cheaper or free compared to one purchased from a website design professional company ?”

If you want to develop a digital presence for your company, content will be your major priority. However, unless you have the correct website in place, the source of information will fail to successfully meet the expectations of the visitors. Yes, purchasing a pre-designed template may initially fit the budget, but it will fail to give long-term outcomes.

Top 6 drawbacks of using Website Design Templates

Top 6 drawbacks of using Website Design Templates

Not Unique

There are a variety of website templates accessible online, including website templates for ecommerce businesses, online services, and even those in need for a simple blogging or portfolio website. Most of these templates are free, and you may find some firms offering “free websites” or “low-cost websites”. We wouldn’t blame all website service providers; nevertheless, there are those that ruin the majority of a business’s online visibility.

It’s easy to see why a branded organization and corporates would not pick and consider website design template as a natural choice. They are aware that there are a variety of website designs available on the internet. They are very much alive and well, coexisting with yours; even if a quarter of online website use a similar website design, your customer or client might definitely come across those websites with similar website design. As a result, you will be disregarded as not unique.

Not Responsive

The user interface (UI) is a medium, that allows users to navigate your website by using images, action buttons, or any other tools that trigger interaction inside a website. Your website’s user interface should be updated on a regular basis to stay up to date with current developments, that may increase user interaction. User Experience (UX), on the other hand, maintains the flow and keeps the viewer interested throughout their visit to your website. Animations and transition effects are part of User Experience (UX) Design.

When a new visitor or an old client sees your website, they like reading your contents, such as what you provide and how to contact you, among other things. Due to website design template and junk data running in the background, the responsiveness of the website lags, causing the viewer to quit your website and go on to another similar website or your competitors especially.

No Brand Value

Hundreds of website design trends have now passed us by. Website designs generated from templates make your website look dull and unsophisticated. Which has been identified as one of the leading causes of your website’s boredom.

If you want to increase your audience, you must have a unique website design that may represent your brand, product, or service, which people can recognize and return whenever they’re in need . Most significantly, website design and distinctiveness are critical in advertising the value of your business.

Lack of Organic Ranking in SERP

Every website is designed to serve a purpose, basic among them is organic ranking in Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Website Design templates are built to provide an affordable low cost or free design for users who don’t care about ranking or brand value or future growth. These Website Design Templates, lack Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Results Page (SERP) guidelines, backends codes, and design strategies.

Important of all, there is a higher possibility that such free templates include back tracking codes which helps the website design template builder to track your website viewers, login credentials or payment gateway etc…

Slow Loading Speed

A slow-loading website means that a client may interact with your website for an extended period of time before their mood swings. According to a Nielsen Norman Group study, a user spends less than a minute on a website before moving on to other similar websites. The ideal loading speed for a website should be between 0 to 10 seconds, allowing you an extra 10 to 20 seconds to interest your website reader with its content and website design.

Junk codes ruining your hosting space

As most of you know, hosting space costs a lot based on performance requirements of your website. Some website design with inbuilt Saas login features might need more hosting space to run your website.

When it comes to website design templates, lots of unused junk codes occupy more space in hosting as well as reduce the loading speed of the website. These junk codes affect your website ranking in SERP and SEO too. By getting your website designed by professional website development companies like UTDS Optimal Choice, your website would be built following the search engine guidelines and good website loading speed as well as the hosting space can be managed simultaneously.

How can we help your company grow?

How can we help your company grow?

If you’ve read everything up to this point, it may appear like there’s a lot to take in. You don’t have to be concerned, since we provide comprehensive online brand building and business growth solutions to secure your company’s long-term success. From website design to CRM customer management, we manage your company’s performance from start to end.

"Have you ever wondered, why there isn't any visitor to your website? " then read this

Feel Free to Contact us

UTDS Optimal Choice is a Google Partner website design agency in Tirana, Albania. We provide our clients with complete website design, development, and marketing services. Contact us now at contact@utds.al to know how we can help your business grow. We have worked with wide range of clients of all sizes across the United Kingdom and the United States.

Send us a short brief for your project and we will be back to you with a solution for it

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