Top 5 Features to Make Your Website Stand Out From The Crowd

Discover the top 5 features that will make your website stand out from the crowd and attract more visitors!

Before getting into online selling or before starting a fresh business year in 2023, make sure your website is ready to help your business reach its goal.  In almost every business sector there is a huge amount of competition, all chasing a finite amount of business. This blog is aimed at giving you some vital pointers to help you be one step ahead of your competition.

Creating a Responsive Web Design has been made to look easy by few companies. Often they will use basic templates or themes to build a website, rather than giving you something unique, that has Brand Value and a clear Identity that represents your business in the best way to the market. Due to this, your website may end up without an originality that represents your Business, Purpose and Goal. Breaking free from the pack with new and innovative features can bring personalized touch to your website that defines your value as well as vision.

“Do you know, there are different types of websites based on your niche and audience? Check our blog post about Best Professional Website tips to answer all your queries”

As per Statista stats on Internet Users Worldwide , there are almost 3.97bn internet users and among them there are almost 86 percent mobile internet users. Therefore, if you have a business website or online store and still not getting sales, then something is not right with your online selling platform or website. Every product has a market and value, there are clients out there to buy almost any product or service. It’s just the way it is promoted brings in the value to the product.

Here are the Top 5 Features that will make your website stand out from the crowd in 2022

Top 5 Features that will make your website stand out from the crowd in 2022

With Millions of websites being active on the internet today, there is no denying that businesses have to do something more to stand out from the crowd and create an online presence

User Experience

Each and every viewer of your website is looking for a solution or an answer to their query. To allow them to  easily navigate through your website, your website should have relevant pages, images, contents, and customer or client testimonials. Now that you have a website, it’s important to know about UI/UX .

 User Interface (UI) & User Experience (UX) 

User Interface (UI) is a medium through which your viewers navigate through your website with visuals, action buttons or any tools that trigger interaction within a website. Your website UI should always be updated to stay on top with new trends that can improve user interaction. On the other hand, it’s User Experience (UX). Which maintains the flow and engages the viewer throughout their navigation on your website. Animations and Transition effects are part of User Experience (UX)  Design.

Responsive WebDesign

Now you know what you need in a website. Here is an important thing that plays a vital role in making your website fast and more interactive. Responsive Website Design can be classified into

  • Fast Loading
  • Smooth Interface
  • Testing and Optimizing

Based on the statistical data, given above. Literally there are more mobile internet users compared to laptop or system internet users. So making sure to provide the same user friendly interface for mobile viewers can boost your traffic and engagement.

Fast Loading

Fast Loading website makes sure a customer gets to spend time interacting with your website, before the mood changes. As per Nielsen Norman Group survey, a user spends less than a minute in a website before moving on to other similar websites or businesses. Best loading speed of a website should be within 0-10 seconds, so you can have another 10-20 seconds to impress your website viewer through contents and visuals in a website. 

Smooth Interface

Smooth interface in a website depends on User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design. Don’t stuff the website with more animations, illustrations, and videos, sometimes HD images. The more you add them, will make your website load slower and ruin user friendly interface while navigating within the website. You would have come across such websites before, but you might have thought it would be because of the network. Responsive Web Design will load whatever the network speed is, because in some parts of the country, even a 3G network is slower. So using the necessary contents is always important to make sure your website is all ready.

Testing and Optimizing

Optimizing your website based on our recommended features will get your website ready user friendly for better performance and user interaction. Do use Google Page Speed Insights to scan your website for performance errors. To understand the performance score, check the Google Developers web vitals.

Engaging Content

Engaging Content can be categorized into two types

The Content written in your website about your business, goal and   purpose should define your value as well as brand representation. So using specific catch phrases and keywords is important to create engaging content. The Catch phrases are the ones that make a viewer encourage to read more or scroll through your website. Consider you have just a few seconds to gain a break through one’s mood and make the viewer stay longer. The best way to do so begins with a catch phrase with relevant keywords and purpose of the content below

For Example :

             “ Bootstrap your Ecommerce Growth with Marketing Automation

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a necessity to make your website rank in Search Engine Results Page(SERP) .Google ranks a website, using specific keywords and relevant content that’s related to your business or product. Do not stuff up the keywords, it might get your website ranked in higher spam score. And do not use black hat SEO to hide the keywords which will still make your website ranked in higher spam score.

  • Relevant Content

Always make sure to write content that doesn’t lead your viewers away from what represents your business or brand. Stay on the course and use simple english to make it understandable even if it is read by a 13+ year old kid.

“Content Marketing has always been like a Thor’s Hammer, but without that every Website is weak and deserted. Don’t you want to know, How to gain an upper hand in Content Marketing ? Then Feel free to check our blog post about Content Marketing Tactics for better understanding”

Client or Customer Testimonials

After going through all your content, the basic psychology of every user is to look for business or product reviews. That’s why major Ecommerce platforms like Amazon, Etsy and Alibaba do send a follow up email or text to make you review their service. And reviews are like “More the Merrier”, Google ranks a website through few marketing strategies and one of them is reviews.

You can use Google Reviews, Trust Pilot, or any other famous reviewing platform in your location like Yelp . These reviewing platforms make sure to rank your website based on the customer reviews, whenever someone searches for a specific keyword related to your business or brand.

You can add these reviews within your website in the landing page or a separate page to show your value and brand quality.

Blog Post

Blog posts are a great  way to create engagement on your website. Every blog post within your website represents your quality work, knowledge, and brand value. When writing  a blog post, make sure to keep the content less than 1500 words and above 700 . You might have a great product or service, you can brag about all day, but your viewers don’t spend more than a minute.

As per Medium data, most of its readers spent less than 2 min in reading a content and among them only 50% of readers have scrolled or read till the last line in the content. So post consistently, give some time between each post, and make sure your post solves a query as well as proves to the viewer that your business or product is the solution.

“Finally there is always this ultimate weapon to make sure you get your ROI through exceptional sales as always, it is Social Media Advertising and Google Ads”

Feel Free to Contact us

UTDS Optimal Choice is a Google Partner web design agency, based in Tirana, Albania. We offer full design, build and marketing services to our clients. Working with clients of all shapes and sizes across the UK and USA, get in touch today to see how we can help your business or use the live chat service at bottom right of the screen to talk to us directly.

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