What is Google Ads?

Don’t just dream it, advertise it! Google Ads put your business at the top, reaching the right people, at the right time.

Are you ready to supercharge your business growth with Google Ads? Google Ads helps your business gain visibility, increase in search engine ranking, and more importantly you can reach your potential audience and customers with just cost of a click.

All you have to do is, create  Google ad campaigns with a goal. Keywords is the most important thing in creating Google ad campaigns, write ads around keywords that your ideal customers search for. The more relevant and compelling your ad is, the more clicks you’ll get from interested prospects.

Setting up a Google Ads campaign is simple – it only takes minutes! Then, by tracking results over time, you can improve your ads and maximize clicks, leads and sales. Want a free consultation with Google ads expert?

In 2022, Google's top revenue source was search ads, amounting to $162.45 billion out of the $279.81 billion total revenue.

What is Google Ads?

Beginners Guide Of Google Ads

This simple yet effective Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising platform can supercharge your results – only if you know how to master it.

  • Google Ads allows you to create and display ads on Google and their partner sites, targeting the exact keywords related to your products or services.You only pay when someone actually clicks your ad. Google has launched Local Service Ads for local service providers for ease of reach.
  • With Google Ads, you have full control over who sees your ads. Use their advanced targeting options to reach the right prospects for your business. Then track detailed stats and analytics to measure how each ad campaign performs.
  • With that performance data, you can continuously optimize your ads, bids and targeting to improve ROI and ROAS, maximize profits for every dollar you spend. 

Diving into Google Ads may seem daunting at first, but it’s actually quite simple – especially with the right guidance. Small tweaks and tests can yield big improvements in clicks, leads and sales.

Do you know? Google reports that, on average, businesses make $8 in profits for every $1 spent on an ad.

Setting Up Your Google Ads Account

Setting Up Your Google Ads Account
  • Create your Google Ads account: Go to ads.google.com and click “Sign in or Create an account.” Enter your business information and payment details.
  • Craft compelling ads: Write short, catchy ad titles and descriptions that grab attention and clearly explain what you offer. Include a strong call-to-action (CTA).
  • Choose keywords: Brainstorm keywords and phrases related to your products or services. Understand what people use in search engine to find business or service like yours.
  • Set your budget: Decide how much you want to spend each day, week or month. Google will manage your bids to maximize clicks within that budget. Start small and scale-up as needed.
  • Select your ad format: Choose between Search, Display, Video, and App campaigns etc… You can run multiple formats simultaneously.
  • Pick your targeting location: Choose whether you want to target local customers, a specific region, the whole country or globally. Check our Local SEO guide to boost your local visibility!!
  • Schedule your campaign: Set start/end dates and daily/weekly schedules to match your budget and goals.
  • Monitor performance: Google Analytics gives you stats on clicks, impressions, cost-per-click and more.
  • Optimize over time: Test changes to your ads, keywords, bids and targeting based on what’s working best. Make small tweaks, then scale up winners.

Creating your first Google Ads campaign takes just minutes using Google’s simple onboarding flow. Then monitor closely, optimize frequently and be willing to experiment. 

Google Ads accounts can contain a maximum of 10,000 campaigns, 20,000 ad groups per campaign, and 50 text ads per ad group.

How Google Ads Work?

Google Ads is the comprehensive advertising platform offered by Google that can help you achieve all your marketing goals.

Here’s how Google ads work;

  • Google Ads runs across Google properties like Search, Maps, YouTube and the Google Display Network. Your ad shows up when people search for keywords related to your business on Google or visit sites that show Google ads.
  • Pretty simple right? Well the smart part is how Google Ads shows your ads to the people searching for your products and services at the perfect moment! .
  • Based on the keywords, locations, and types of people you target, Google figures out who to show your ad to and where. Then when people click your ad, Google ensures they arrive at an SEO optimized landing page on your website that’s tailored to convert visitors into customers.
  • The better you craft your keywords, ads and landing pages, the more clicks and customers Google Ads will deliver. 
  • According to Wordstream, the average click-through rate in Google Ads is 6.11% in 2023.

Create Compelling Ad Copy

Create Compelling Ad Copy
  • Keep it short: For search ads, use around 25 characters for the headline/title and 75-80 for the description. For display ads, aim for 30 words or less. For a single responsive search ad, you can provide up to 15 headlines and 4 descriptions
  • Focus on benefits, not features: Explain why your product or service will solve their problem, not just what it is. Appeal to their desires and pain points.
  • Include a clear call-to-action: Tell people exactly what you want them to do – like “Buy Now,” “Learn More” or your website URL. This directs their next step.
  • Use keywords: Work your best keywords naturally into your ad copy to boost relevance for those searches. But avoid being overly keyword-stuffed.
  • Make an offer: Adding a limited-time offer or free trial into your ad can generate more immediate clicks and interest.
  • A/B test your ads: Create at least two versions of your ad, then split your budget to test them side-by-side. The higher-converting version is your winner.
  • Personalize when possible: Including the prospect’s name in an ad – for example, “Dan, save 10% today” – can increase click-through rates.
  • Be trustworthy and transparent: Mention certifications, customer ratings and reviews to build credibility and trust.
  • Keep it conversational: Use simple language and an informal, friendly tone that your prospects can relate to.
  • Test, test, test: There’s no “perfect” ad – just what works best for your goals. So continually create new ad variations and compare results to refine your copy over time.

Remember; compelling ad copy sells, relying heavily on benefits, a strong call-to-action and an helpful tone. So focus your energy there, develop multiple variations, and relentlessly test to find the ad copy that delivers the highest ROI for your Google Ads campaign.

Keyword Research for Google Ads

  • Brainstorm: Start by making a list of words and phrases that describe your business, products or services. This can include brands, features and customer pain points you relieve.
  • Research competitors: See what keywords your competitors are targeting in their Google Ads. This can give you idea for relevant, high-traffic keywords.
  • Use the Google Ads Keyword Planner: This free tool suggests relevant keywords based on your business information. It also shows monthly search volumes and avg. cost-per-click.  Check this guide to use Google Keyword Planner brilliantly.
  • Use keyword research tools: Services like Ubersuggest, Keyword.io and SEMrush can generate a long tail of related keywords for your business.
  • Check keyword difficulty: Google will show how “easy” or “hard” a keyword is to rank for based on current competition. Aim for keywords that are difficult, but within reach.
  • Focus on intent and commerciality: Some keywords have high search volume but low commercial intent. Prioritize keywords that indicate a purchaser’s intent. Here is How search intent can redefine your SEO!!
  • Use modifiers to expand your list: Adding modifiers like “cheap”, “review” or “near me” to broader keywords can yield new, targeted options.
  • Filter out broad, generic keywords: These have huge volume but won’t convert well. Narrow keywords perform best.
  • Organize into ad groups: Cluster your keywords into meaningful thematic groups. This helps you target ads and optimize bids for specific subsets.

So take the time to research keywords properly – it’s essential homework! Proper keyword research will lay the foundation for a highly effective Google Ads campaign.

Bidding Strategies for Google Ads

Bidding Strategies for Google Ads
  • Manual bidding: You set the maximum cost-per-click (CPC) for each keyword yourself. Simple but inflexible. Good for new campaigns.
  • Enhanced CPC: Google tries to raise or lower your bids slightly based on click-through-rate (CTR) to maximize clicks within your budget. Works well for broader keywords.
  • Target CPA: You set a maximum acceptable cost-per-acquisition (CPA). Google then adjusts bids dynamically to reach that target CPA as closely as possible. Target CPA bidding uses your conversion tracking data to set the optimal cost-per-click (CPC) bid for your ad each time it’s eligible to appear.
  • Target ROI: Similar to target CPA, but you specify a target return on ad spend (ROAS). Google adjusts bids to optimize for that ratio of ad cost to revenue.
  • Maximize clicks: Google automatically raises bids on the best-performing keywords to maximize total clicks within your daily budget. Works well for lead generation.
  • Search only: Your ads only appear when someone searches a relevant keyword – not on Google partner websites. Narrower visibility but potentially lower cost.
  • Content network: Your ads can show on Google’s partner sites based on interests, topics and affinities – not just keywords. Wider reach but higher cost.

So choose bidding strategies that align with your objectives. Then test different options and compare results. Over time, optimize multiple campaigns in tandem using the strategies that deliver the highest ROI for your unique goals. Check out our ultimate guide about common PPC errors, so you can avoid them

Optimise Your Google Ads Campaign

Optimise Your Google Ads Campaign
  • Test new ad copy: Create multiple variations of your ad headlines and descriptions. Then compare results to find the highest performing versions.
  • Rotate ads: Schedule different ads for the same keywords to test multiple options. Permanently keep the ones with the best click-through-rates (CTR).
  • Adjust bids: Increase bids for underperforming keywords seeing fewer than average clicks. Decrease bids for over performing keywords to optimize spend.
  • Add negative keywords: Identify keywords that are not relevant to your ads and wasting your money. Google will stop showing your ads for those phrases and keywords.
  • Target placements: Restrict ad delivery to specific websites or placements within the Google Network.
  • Refine topics: Adjust topics targeting your audience in Google Display Ads, to reach people with the most relevant interests for your business or service.
  • Test new ad formats: Try different options like expanded text ads, image ads or video ads for keywords already in your campaign.
  • Review metrics: Check performance reports for actionable insights like click-through rate, cost-per-click, conversion rate and return on ad spend.
  • Analyze extensions: Validate if location extensions, call extensions or sitelink extensions are delivering value. Adjust or remove underperformers.
  • Scale up winners: Once you identify ad copy, keywords or strategies that are working well, allocate more of your budget to maximize their results.

Test, learn and repeat! By making incremental changes and comparing data, you’ll quickly discover optimizations that improve key metrics for your unique goals. So start testing today – your campaigns are almost certainly leaving “money on the table“. 

Types of Google Ads Campaigns

Types of Google Ads Campaigns
  • Search campaigns: Search campaigns show your ads in Google’s search results when people search for keywords relevant to your business or the keywords you used to target.
  • Display campaigns: Display campaigns display your ads on Google’s partner websites across the web. They have massive reach but typically lower click-through rates.
  • Discovery campaigns: A newer type that shows your ads on the Google Display Network based on people’s interests and affinities, not just keywords. They target a person, not a search.
  • Video campaigns: These run your video ads across Google’s vast network, on YouTube and Google videos. Video ads can be highly engaging if done well.
  • App campaigns: If you have an app, use App campaign ads to promote it across Google properties and drive installations.
  • Smart campaigns: A simplified campaign type that uses Google AI to automatically optimize your Google Ad campaign for you based on limited input. Good for beginners.
  • Shopping campaigns: Specifically for e-commerce stores, these get your product listings in Google’s rich “Product Listing Ads” and shopping results.
  • Performance Max Campaign: Performance Max Campaign is a cutting-edge advertising strategy by Google that maximizes your online reach. It combines various ad formats and placements across Google platforms to optimize campaign performance. However, Pmax campaign doesn’t give you any control over budget or ad spend. 

So experiment! Start by picking one or two campaign types that match your business, then optimize based on results. Over time, find the right mix of high-performing campaigns tailored to your unique needs. 

Benefits of Using Google Ads

Benefits of Using Google Ads
  • Reach massive audiences:  Google search engine receives billions of searches every day – meaning your ads can reach a huge potential customer base when they’re actively seeking products like yours. Expert Tip: Never target general audience with ads. Have a clear goal.
  • Target with precision: Use keywords, locations, interests, and gender etc.. to reach your ideal prospects at the perfect time – increasing the chances they’ll convert into customers.
  • Only pay for results: As a pay-per-click platform, Google Ads only charges you when someone actually clicks your ad. This ensures your marketing dollars are spent efficiently on real prospects. However make sure, your ads are protected from Click Frauds.
  • Data-driven optimizations: Leverage Google’s robust analytics to continually refine your campaigns. Track, click-through rate (CTR), cost-per-click (CPC) and impressions to identify what’s working – then make necessary changes to boost performance.
  • Cut-through the clutter: With over 3.5 billion webpages, it can be hard for customers to find your business online. But Google Ads puts you front and center of the crowd – so interested prospects can find you immediately.
  • High conversion rates: On average, Google Ads campaign gets conversion rates between 2-6%, nearly double the industry average for other channels.

Craft compelling ads around relevant keywords, monitor results closely, then refine and optimize over time. With the right strategy, Google Ads can quickly become one of your most effective growth channels.

Interested in Facebook Ads Campaign? Check out our expert tips and tricks

Looking to Setup your Google Ad Campaign?

UTDS Optimal Choice is here to help you set up and optimize a winning Google Ad campaign for your business.

Running effective Google Ads campaign can be a challenge, even for experienced marketers. From crafting compelling ad copy and choosing the right keywords to selecting bidding strategies and analyzing metrics, there are many advertising strategies to get right.

That’s where we come in. We’re Google Ads experts and Google Partner who know how to make every dollar of your budget work hard for your business. Our process includes:

  • Writing ads that grab attention and convince prospects to take action
  • Researching optimized keyword lists tailored to your business and goals
  • Setting up appropriate billing, location and audience targeting
  • Choosing the right mix of campaign types (search, display, video, etc)
  • Implementing optimal bidding strategies and monitoring performance closely
  • Analyzing results to refine ads, keywords and targeting for exponential gains

So if you’re ready to take your GoogleAds to the next level but lacking the resources or expertise to do it effectively, let’s talk. We’d love to show you how a perfectly crafted Google Ad campaign can supercharge your sales, leads, ROI, and ROAS!

Let’s get your ads in front of the right prospects at the right time. Contact us today to get started.

Send us a short brief for your project and we will be back to you with a solution for it

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