What Is Display Advertising?

Reach your target audience with impactful display advertising. Create visually stunning ads that drive traffic and boost conversions.

Have you ever wondered how to get your brand in front of millions of potential customers? Google Display Ads might be the solution you’ve been looking for. Whether you’re browsing your favourite news site, watching a YouTube video, or using a mobile app, those eye-catching visuals you see are likely part of Google’s vast Display Advertising network.

So let’s take a look at “What is Display Advertising and how it can benefit you?

If you’re looking to maximise your advertising budget and achieve measurable results, trust UTDS Optimal Choice, the leading PPC advertising agency. With our proven strategies, we help businesses drive targeted traffic and see real growth. Ready to take your advertising to the next level? Contact us today and discover why we are the top choice for businesses looking to succeed with PPC!

What Is Display Advertising?

What is display advertising?

Display advertising is a form of online advertising where visual ads—such as banners, images, or videos are displayed on websites, apps, and social media platforms. Unlike search ads that appear based on user queries, display ads are typically shown to users while they are browsing online, allowing businesses to reach a broader audience.

Display advertising is often used for:
  • Brand Awareness: Display ads help increase visibility by placing your brand in front of potential customers as they browse various sites.
  • Retargeting: These ads can remind users who have previously visited your website to return and complete a purchase.
  • Engagement: With engaging visuals and interactive elements, display ads can capture the attention of users and encourage them to learn more about your products or services.

For UK businesses looking to expand their reach and boost brand awareness, mastering Google Display Ads and using the Google Display Network (GDN) can be a game-changer in your digital marketing strategy.

What Are Google Display Ads?

What Are Google Display Ads?
Credit: Google

Google Display Ads transform the internet into your personal billboard, allowing you to showcase your products or services across millions of websites within the Google Display Network. These visual advertisements come in various engaging formats:

  • Image ads (static banners)
  • Video ads
  • Rich media ads (interactive elements)
  • Responsive display ads (automatically adjust to fit available ad spaces)

By utilising Google Display Advertising, your business can reach over 90% of internet users worldwide, making it a powerful tool for expanding your brand’s visibility.

What Is Google Display Network (GDN)

What Is Google Display Network (GDN)

The Google Display Network is an extensive collection of websites, apps, and platforms that have partnered with Google to display ads. This network includes:

  • Popular news sites
  • Blogs and niche websites
  • YouTube videos
  • Mobile applications
What Sets the GDN Apart: Intelligent Targeting

The GDN’s intelligent targeting capabilities ensure your Google Display Ads reach the right audience:

  • Websites they frequent
  • Interests and online behaviours
  • Geographic location
  • Demographics
  • And much more!

This precise targeting maximises your advertising budget’s effectiveness, ensuring your ads appear in front of potential customers most likely to engage with your brand.

Types Of Google Display Ads

How to Choose the Right Display Advertising Format

Choosing the right display advertising format depends on your marketing goals and target audience. Here’s a quick guide to help you decide:

  1. Image Ads: Ideal for simple, direct messages or showcasing a specific product. Use these for brand awareness or promotions that don’t require much explanation.
  2. Responsive Display Ads: Perfect for maximising reach across different devices and platforms. These ads automatically adjust to fit available ad spaces, making them a versatile choice for broad campaigns.
  3. Video Ads: Best for storytelling or product demonstrations. If you want to engage users with dynamic content, video ads can capture attention and convey complex messages effectively.
  4. Rich Media Ads: Choose these if you want to create interactive experiences, such as expandable ads or those with embedded games or videos. They’re great for driving higher engagement with your audience.

By aligning your ad format with your specific objectives, whether it’s building brand awareness, driving conversions, or engaging users, you can ensure your display ads resonate with the right audience.

Google Display Ads Examples

Here are some examples of how businesses can effectively use Google Display Ads:

  1. Image Ads: A local bakery can use vibrant, high-resolution images of freshly baked pastries to entice food lovers. These static banner ads are displayed on popular food blogs and recipe sites, increasing website traffic to the bakery’s online store.
  2. Responsive Display Ads: An e-commerce fashion brand can create ads that automatically adjust to fit any ad space, showcasing a variety of products like summer dresses and accessories. These ads appear on lifestyle websites, reaching fashion enthusiasts and driving sales. Planning to improve your online store SEO, Check our latest article about Ecommerce SEO Best Practices
  3. Video Ads: A tech company can promote its latest gadget through a short video ad that plays before YouTube tutorials. The ad highlights the product’s key features, demonstrating its value in a dynamic, engaging way.
  4. Rich Media Ads: A car dealership can use interactive ads that allow users to explore different car models, view interior features, and schedule a test drive directly from the ad. These ads are placed on automotive review sites, attracting potential buyers.

These examples illustrate the versatility of Google Display Ads, helping businesses create compelling visual content that resonates with their target audience. However, these are just examples to convey how it benefits you, you can use any display ad formats to help with ROI.

Did you know that UK businesses can see an average return of £2 for every £1 spent on PPC? At UTDS Optimal Choice, we specialise in driving even better results through tailored, data-driven PPC strategies. As the top PPC agency in the UK, we’ve helped countless businesses increase their traffic and revenue. Want to see how we can do the same for you? Get in touch today and let’s start maximising your ROI with expert PPC management!

Difference Between Google Display Ads vs Google Search Ads

Now that we’ve covered the types of display ads, let’s compare them to another popular form of Google advertising – Search Ads.

Feature Google Display Ads Google Search Ads
Ad Format Visual (images, videos, rich media) Text-only
Placement Websites, apps, videos within GDN Google search results pages
Primary Goal Brand awareness, visual storytelling Direct response, immediate intent
Targeting Method Interest, behaviour, demographics Search keywords, user intent
Average UK Cost-Per-Click (CPC) Generally lower (£0.46)* Often higher (£0.78)*
Reach Very broad (billions of impressions) More specific (based on search volume)
User Journey Stage Earlier stages, browsing Later stages, actively searching
Best For Building brand recognition, retargeting Capturing high-intent audiences

Note: These are average CPCs across all industries in the UK as of 2023. Actual costs may vary by industry and targeting. Here is another interesting comparison article between Local Search Ads and Local Service ads

Benefits Of Using Google Display Advertising For UK Businesses

Implementing Google Display Ads can significantly boost your UK business in several ways:

  • Massive Reach: Expose your brand to millions of potential customers browsing the internet.
  • Precise Targeting: Show ads to people based on their interests, behaviours, or websites they visit.
  • Brand Awareness: Build recognition even when users don’t immediately click, keeping your brand top-of-mind.
  • Remarketing: Re-engage past website visitors, nudging them towards conversion.
  • Cost-Effective: Start with a modest budget and scale as you see results.
  • Visual Storytelling: Showcase your products or services visually, creating more engaging experiences than text-only ads.
For Instance: Here's How A Small UK Bakery Could Use Google Display Ads
  • Create visually appealing display ads showcasing freshly baked goods and cosy bakery interiors.
  • Target food lovers aged 25-45 in major UK cities.
  • Use a mix of image ads and responsive display ads.
  • Implement remarketing to re-engage website visitors.
Specific Tactics
  • Advertise seasonal bakery collections (e.g., “Springtime Sweets,” “Autumn Harvest Bakes“).
  • Create ads featuring local bakery events and workshops.
  • Use lifestyle images of people enjoying baked goods in various settings to appeal to different audience segments.
Potential Results
  • 40% increase in website visits
  • 25% growth in in-store foot traffic
  • 35% boost in online sales within the first month
  • 50% increase in brand searches on Google
Challenges and Solutions
  • Initially low click-through rates: Improve by A/B testing different ad designs and copy.
  • High competition for general bakery-related keywords: Focus on niche flavours and local-specific terms.
  • Limited budget: Prioritise remarketing ads, it gives you higher ROI.

This example demonstrates the power of Google Display Advertising for local UK businesses when used strategically.

How To Create Effective Google Display Ads

Creating impactful Display Ads on Google doesn’t have to be complicated. Follow these best practices to get started:

  • Know Your Audience: Understand your target customers preferences and online behaviours.
  • Design Eye-Catching Visuals: Use vibrant colours, clear images, and easily readable fonts.
  • Craft a Compelling Message: Clearly communicate your unique value proposition.
  • Include a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA): Guide users on what to do next (e.g., “Shop Now,” “Learn More“).
  • Ensure Brand Consistency: Align your ads with your overall brand identity and messaging.
  • Test Multiple Versions: Create various ad variations to identify top performers.
  • Optimise for Mobile: Remember, many users will view your ads on mobile devices.

Note: Check the Google Help Guide here for the best practices.

Measuring Success: Tracking Your Google Display Ads Performance

To ensure your Google Display Advertising efforts are paying off, focus on these key performance indicators (KPIs):

  1. Impressions: The number of times your ad was displayed.
  2. Clicks: How many users clicked on your ad.
  3. Click-Through Rate (CTR): The percentage of ad views resulting in clicks.
  4. Conversions: The number of users who completed a desired action after clicking your ad.
  5. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): The average cost to acquire a customer through your ads.

Essential Tracking Tools
  • Google Ads Dashboard: Your primary tool for viewing ad performance.
  • Google Analytics: Understand user behaviour on your website post-click.
  • Google Ads Conversion Tracking: Monitor which ads lead to sales or sign-ups.
  • Third-party platforms: Tools like SEMrush or Moz for additional insights and competitor analysis.
Common Pitfalls In Google Display Advertising and How to Avoid Them

Even seasoned marketers can stumble with Google Display Ads. Here are some common mistakes and their solutions:

  • Overly Broad Targeting: Focus on specific audience segments rather than trying to reach everyone.
  • Neglecting Ad Design: Invest time in creating visually appealing ads that stand out.
  • Ignoring Mobile Users: Ensure your ads and landing pages are mobile-friendly.
  • Lack of Testing: Continuously test and refine your ads for better performance.
  • Overlooking Ad Placement: Use placement exclusions to avoid showing ads on irrelevant websites.
  • Neglecting Audience Insights: Leverage Google’s data about your audience to refine targeting.
Is Google Display Advertising Right for Your Business?

Take our quick quiz to determine if Google Display Ads could benefit your UK business:

  • Do you want to increase brand awareness?
  • Is your product or service visually appealing?
  • Do you have a website where customers can learn more or make purchases?
  • Are you comfortable with a marketing strategy that may take time to show direct sales results?
  • Do you have a budget for ongoing advertising?
  • Are you interested in reaching customers early in their buying journey?
  • Would you benefit from retargeting past website visitors?

If you answered “yes” to most of these questions, Google Display Advertising could be the perfect addition to your marketing strategy.

[Get started today with a free consultation!] Let us help you create a custom Google Display Ads strategy tailored to your business needs and goals. Click here to connect with our experts and take the next step in growing your brand.

Ready To Grow Your Business with Google Display Ads?

Google Display Advertising offers a powerful way to boost your brand’s visibility and drive growth for your UK business. Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness, increase website traffic, or boost sales, Google Display Ads can help you achieve your goals.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to expand your reach and engage potential customers across the vast Google Display Network.

Ready to unlock the full potential of Google Display Ads for your UK business? Contact us today for a free consultation!

We are UTDS Optimal Choice, one of the best bespoke website design and advertising agency in Europe. We know that every successful business started somewhere. Let Google Display Ads be your stepping stone to digital marketing success!

Addressing Common Concerns About Google Display Advertising
Is Google Display Advertising Worth the Investment?

Absolutely! While results may not be as immediate as search ads, display advertising is crucial for building brand awareness and reaching customers earlier in their buying journey. The key is to set realistic expectations and measure success using appropriate metrics.

What If I Have a Limited Budget?

Google Display Ads can be effective even with modest budgets. Start small, focus on highly targeted campaigns, and prioritise remarketing to get the most bang for your buck. As you see results, you can gradually increase your investment.

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