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Top Google Display Ads Tips To Know

Craving clicks & conversions? Learn how to create impactful Google Display Ads & watch your business grow. Get started now!

In 2023, Google ads revenue amounted to made an estimate of £219.53 billion revenue from advertising, 23% of which came from Google Display Ads.

Google display ads are a way to advertise on websites across the Google Display Network. This includes over two million sites, apps, and YouTube channels, which reach over 90% of internet users worldwide. They can be used to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or drive sales.

This is not surprising because Google owns the largest search engine, YouTube, and also has a huge presence on the web. In this post, you will know what Google Display advertising is, the benefits, and how to get started with Google Display Network advertising.

Investing in Google Display Ads is a great start, but what about long-term growth? SEO is your secret weapon for attracting consistent, organic traffic.

What are Google Display Ads?

If you’re a frequent online user, you might have already noticed or come across various Google display ads in multiple websites or Youtube and even in apps, unless you haven’t activated an ad blocker. The purpose of Google display ads is to promote your product or service in an attractive way, where your audience spends more time.

Google Display Ads are available in a variety of sizes and can be customised to fit your needs. You can choose to show your ads on specific websites or on websites that are related to your products or services. You can also target your ads to specific demographics, such as age, gender, or location.

Google Display Ads can be a great way to reach new customers and to increase brand awareness. However, it is important to remember that these ads are not the same as search ads. Search ads are designed to be clicked on, while display ads are designed to be seen.

For instance; one in two people decide to buy a product or service through attractive visual ads, rather than just text. As of now, most of you can remember the product you have used, when you were kids and why you purchased them, you might realise at some point it’s just because of the visual ad promotions.

Don't just show up, stand out! While Display Ads put your brand in front of potential customers, Search Engine Optimization helps you dominate search results, attracting the right audience at the right time.

How Google Display Ads work?

Google Display Ads help businesses to showcase their products and services to potential customers across the entire Google display network.

There are many types of Google display ads, but the most common are image ads, video ads, and text ads. Google display ads can be used to promote products, services, or simply to get your message across to potential customers. 

“Google Display Network reaches over 90% of internet users worldwide, making it one of the most powerful marketing platforms available”

Google Display Ads are highly effective at reaching potential customers, but they can also be very costly. The average cost per click for a Google display ad is £1.50, but the cost can vary depending on the type of ad, the demographics, and the location of the ad.

Google display ads promote your product and service in their 200 Million websites, apps that have monetised and Google display network, which includes Youtube, Gmail, maps and integrations etc.. You can also target your Google display ad to specific apps and websites where your audience will spend time, and even you can target only the mobile users for the better reach.

Display Ads are great for brand awareness, but what about conversions? Explore the power of Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to target users with high purchase intent and boost your bottom line.

Top Google Display Ad Tips To Know

How to create Google display ads?

When creating a Google Display Ad, there are a few best practices to follow in order to create a successful ad campaign:

  • Use high-quality images and videos that are relevant to your product or service.
  • Think about who you are targeting with your Google display ad and make sure your message is clear and concise.
  • Make sure your ad is relevant to the products or services you offer. You don’t want to mislead your audience with an irrelevant ad.
  • Use effective Call-To-Action(CTA), to encourage users to click on your ad.
  • Always test your ad before you launch it. This will help you see what works and what doesn’t so you can make the necessary adjustments.
  • Target your ads to specific demographics and interests, to narrow down your audience and for better ROI.
  • Monitor your ad campaign regularly to ensure it is performing well.

Following these best practices will help to ensure that your Google Display Ad campaign is successful and your Google display ads are seen by the right people.

Think beyond the click with Google Display Ads. While they grab attention, on-page SEO builds lasting connections. Optimise your website's content to convert those clicks into loyal customers.

How to target your audience with Google display ads?

Google display ads can be an effective way to reach your target audience and promote your product or service. However, there are some best practices to keep in mind when targeting Google display ads.

The solution is to make display ads that target your audience with the right content and find the right publishers for your business.

Google display ads are a great way to target your audience with relevant content.

You can target your audience by:

  • Interests
  • Demographics
  • Location
  • Devices
  • keywords
  • Past behaviors
  • Affinity audiences
  • In-market audiences
  • Life events
  • Custom audiences
  • Remarketing lists

Let's face it, nobody enjoys throwing money at a problem that doesn't exist. Spending little amount of time in Keyword research ensures your ads reach the right people, saving you time and resources. Invest wisely.

Want to know more? Contact us now

Ready to take your Google display ads strategy to the next level? We at UTDS Optimal Choice have the skills and experience to help you maximise your ad performance. As a Google Partner, we stay on top of the latest best practices and innovations from Google to get you better results.

Don’t leave money on the table with a suboptimal display ads approach. We’ve helped businesses just like yours increase conversions and ROI. Our customised strategy focuses on your goals and targets your ideal audience at the right time and place.

See what a difference our Google Ads management can make for your business. Contact us today for a free consultation and proposal. Let’s review your current setup together and identify opportunities to improve your ads. With UTDS Optimal Choice, you get a true partner invested in your success.

Get in touch now to learn more about our performance-driven approach to Google Ads and how we can help you acquire more high-value customers. Call +355 69 291 3855 or Email contact@utds.al to get started. 

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