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Evolving landscape of B2B SEO in 2024

B2B SEO is about to rapidly evolve in 2024. Here is the latest UK business SEO strategies and best practices to increase your organic traffic

SEO landscape is constantly evolving in the B2B space. As we head into 2024, new trends, technologies and algorithm changes will shape best practices for driving search visibility and website traffic with Business-to-Business SEO. B2B brands need to proactively adapt their Business-to-Business SEO strategy to align with the latest developments and opportunities.  

Statistics show 73% of B2B companies in the UK agree that Business-to-Business SEO is crucial for lead generation and sales (BrightEdge). But continuing success with Business-to-Business SEO requires keeping strategies updated in response to an ever-changing digital environment.  

In this post, we’ll explore the key trends shaping B2B SEO in 2024 and provide tips for optimising Business-to-Business SEO campaigns to maximise your search presence and rankings this year. Being aware of algorithm shifts, innovations like AI and a stronger focus on user experience will ensure your success with B2B SEO.

Here is an easy way to unlock the power of Bing SEO for your business growth in UK

Evolving landscape of B2B SEO in 2024

Keyword Research for B2B SEO

Evolving users behaviour and interests require constant refinement of keyword research and targeting for effective Business-to-Business SEO. For B2B specifically, you need to identify high-value commercial keywords aligned to each stage of the buyer’s journey.  

Rather than just targeting wide industry terms, zero in on precise queries with strong purchasing intent for your B2B SEO strategy. Conduct search analysis to find relevant long-tail keywords like “best social media automation tools for small businesses”.

Look for cluster opportunities as well. We helped UK firms discover lucrative new keyword clusters around “engineering project management” and “creative agency project management” to focus their Business-to-Business SEO efforts on.

Want to know more about user intent? Check here

Optimising for Voice Search Queries with B2B SEO

Voice search continues seeing huge adoption, with 35% of UK consumers now using voice-activated devices to search online. B2B SEO content needs to be optimised for featured snippets and conversational queries.

Analyse what voice search questions your audience may ask and address those directly in an natural, conversational tone with your Business-to-Business SEO content. 

Embracing Mobile-First Indexing

According to research made by Statcounter, over 72% of all searches now happening on mobile devices in the UK, full mobile optimisation is mandatory for Business-to-Business SEO. Google also announced it now indexes mobile first content to assess page quality.

Ensure your website loads quickly on mobile, with a mobile-friendly design. Check that mobile pages don’t experience technical issues or lose key elements present on desktop website. Test different devices to confirm optimal mobile UX for your B2B SEO performance. 

Do you know? Sage improved mobile load speed by 4.5x and boosted mobile rankings by 13% month-over-month as a result of focusing on mobile-first indexing for Business-to-Business SEO.

Evaluating New Opportunities with AI

AI for tasks like content creation, link building and analysis is a growing trend for Business-to-Business SEO. Look for ways to use machine learning for optimization.

We identified that 67% of its AI-generated meta descriptions outperformed human-written ones in click-through rate during initial testing for B2B SEO efforts. 

Be aware, though of potential over-optimisation penalties for entire articles created by AI. Use ethically and with optimisation goals in mind for your overall Business-to-Business SEO strategy.

Tracking Emerging Google Algorithm Changes

Core algorithm updates like the Product Reviews update will require adapting your approach to ensure your site aligns with new ranking factors for Business-to-Business SEO.

Closely monitor Google’s algorithm news and notices. Perform regular technical SEO audits checking site speed, UX issues, link quality and more. Be ready to pivot and fix problems that arise to maintain strong B2B SEO performance.

For example, UK fashion retailer ASOS saw rankings fluctuate with a recent update, but recovered rankings in 2 months after fixing technical SEO errors on the website that were hurting their Business-to-Business SEO rankings.

Refocusing on User Experience Fundamentals for B2B SEO

With its renewed emphasis on pages that delight users, Business-to-Business SEO success in 2024 will require optimising for overall on-site experience. 

Analyse user behaviour flows. Identify and eliminate pain points impacting conversions like slow load times or confusing navigation that negatively impact B2B SEO. 

UK management consulting firm McKinsey redesigned site navigation based on feedback surveys and saw lower bounce rates among key service pages as a result, improving their Business-to-Business SEO performance.

The better the UX, the more visitors will engage with your content and signal quality to Google through their behaviour. So doubling down on user experience optimisation is now imperative for strong Business-to-Business SEO.

How UTDS Optimal Choice Can Enhance Your B2B SEO Strategy

UTDS Optimal Choice is a digital marketing agency that specialises in managing innovative Business-to-Business SEO campaigns. Our strategic B2B SEO services include:

  • Conducting in-depth keyword research tailored to your commercial intent keywords.
  • Optimising SEO content length for both text search and voice queries.
  • Ensuring website is designed and optimised for mobile-first indexing priorities.
  • Leveraging AI tools to unlock unique Business-to-Business SEO opportunities.
  • Closely tracking algorithm updates and deploying fixes to maintain rankings.
  • Redesigning site architecture and UX to improve engagement and conversions.

Our B2B SEO specialists stay on top of the latest trends and innovations to drive results. We become an extension of your team to proactively enhance Business-to-Business SEO performance. Contact Us Now!!

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