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Beginners Guide to Offline and Online Lead Generation Strategies

Looking to take your lead generation to the next level? Check out our beginner’s guide to offline and online strategies

The first thing that usually comes to our mind when you hear the term “Lead Generation“, is the cold calls or emails that flood your inbox. Let us highlight a few offline and online lead generation strategies in this post that can be used to gain upper hand in the market,

Table of Contents

What is Lead Generation?

The first thing to understand is that each product and service has its own demand and customer. Reaching out to the correct consumer results in a sale, and leads assist you in getting there, yet reaching out to the wrong customer is a waste of time and money.

So, what exactly is a lead? A lead is just an information about a customer who has expressed interest in purchasing your product or service but has yet to make a choice. Now you might be wondering, “What exactly is lead generation?” Lead Generation is nothing but a process or stages involved, where you can convince a viewer or a random individual to show interest in your product or service through advertising, offers, emails etc..

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Beginners Guide to Offline and Online Lead Generation Strategies

Lead Generation Methods

There are two types of lead generation strategies that have evolved over time,

  • Offline Lead Generation 

Marketing personnel used to go door to door or cold call each consumer to make a sale in the era of 1940s, where digital growth was still far behind in convincing a new customer or create a new sale

  • Through offline lead generation, the probability of gaining a successful potential customer or a lead was just 10 to 3
  • However, the probability of converting a potential customer into sale was 10 to 1

Despite the fact that we are adapting our strategies as per the digital growth, few businesses use both lead generation strategies to turn every potential lead into a sale.

  • Online Lead Generation 

Online lead generation is based on, 

  • Credibility
  • Visibility
  • Liability

Every visitor to your website goes through your website, reviews, and social media presence in order to determine whether your product or service is of high quality or whether it is just another spammer attempting to empty the wallet. These three elements are the foundation for converting an audience into potential lead

How to find a potential lead through offline and online lead generation methods?

When we mentioned how few companies use both offline and online lead generation strategies to convert every available lead into sales,  they assign a budget for lead generation depending on the conversion ratio between online and offline lead generation strategies.  Here are a few lead generation strategies, that are widely used by companies focusing on B2B and B2C

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)-  Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is one of the simplest ways to reach your target audience by increasing visibility for your company and generating new sales and leads. Other than Google advertising, there are variety of search engines to choose from, like Bing, Baidu, Yandex, Yahoo etc.. So knowing your target audience and where they’re from, will help you figure out which search engine has by far the most influence with them.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Consider search engine optimization as a language to help search engines understand the quality of your website’s content and how it relates to a certain user search term. You may have heard that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is solely about content; however, this is incorrect. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) includes the entire process of creating a website, from the design to the content. 
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You may be wondering how SEO may assist you in generating new leads. The goal of SEO is to get your website to the top of the search engines for specified search terms or keywords. Optimizing your website on a regular basis and adding new content will help you rank higher in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). 

What you shouldn’t do?

  • Do not follow Black Hat SEO
  • Do not stuff keywords within the content
  • Do not try to use hidden keywords
  • Do not use content from other websites or articles
  • Cold Calling – One of the most prevalent and oldest lead generation tactics is cold calling. Companies utilize cold calling strategies to understand your interest in future products or to sell you a product based on data about your prior purchases and interests.

  • Influencer Marketing – When you come across a YouTuber or Social media influencer promoting a third-party product for his audience, this is known as influencer marketing. Pitching your product to influencers who have a strong relationship with your target audience is one of the most effective and simple ways to attract more prospective leads and consumers.

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