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Should Online Business Focus On Customer Retention?

Want to grow your online business? Loyal customers are the key. Here are top tips for keeping buyers coming back time and again..

What do you know about Online Business? In the world of eCommerce, the focus is always on how to drive more sales and increase revenue, Isn’t that right? The nature of this industry is it thrives on new purchases and retaining customers. However, getting customers to make repeat purchases is one of the biggest challenges for most Online Businesses.

Here are some question to help you get started;

  • Do you know how many people have visited your e-commerce website in the last 15 days? 
  • Do you know how many of them have come back to purchase after visiting your site in the same timeframe? 
  • Have you analysed what made them return? 
  • Were they unsatisfied with their purchase or did they not get to see the product that they wanted to buy? 

If you don’t know these answers, then it’s time for a change. 

The rapid pace of technological advancement is forcing ecommerce businesses to innovate at a faster pace than ever before. This means that ecommerce businesses that fail to stay abreast of new trends will fall by the wayside sooner rather than later. 

Read on as we explain why online businesses should focus on customer retention strategies in 2024.

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Should Online Businesses Focus On Customer Retention?

What Is Customer Retention?

Customer retention is a critical part of any successful Online Business. It’s the process of keeping your customers happy and loyal, and it’s essential if you want to stay afloat in the competitive landscape.  

Here are 65 Customer Retention Strategies by SEMrush, you can use along 

There are a number of things you can do to keep your customers happy and loyal, and here are a few of the most important tips;

  • Keep your prices competitive
    If your prices are too high, your customers may switch to competitors. Low prices may also be a temptation for customers who are shopping on a budget, but prices must be affordable if you want them to stick around.

Do you know? 
According to Yopto 
“47.6% shoppers say, not receiving loyalty points is equal to bad purchase after all”

  • Offer great customer service
    If something goes wrong with an order, make sure to resolve the issue quickly and efficiently. If you can’t solve the problem, then your customer may choose to shop elsewhere. Would you even believe if we said, more than 70% of users switched at least 1 business per year due to bad customer service.  
  • Keep your site up to date
    If your site is outdated or doesn’t look modern, your customers may abandon ship. Make sure to update your site regularly to keep it looking fresh and appealing. Contact Us Now For FREE Consultation.
  • Provide new offers to retain existing customers and create new customers
    If your offer isn’t competitive or engaging, your customers may lose interest and move on to your competitors. Focus on occasion and sales seasons to improve your online business sale.

Why Online Businesses Should Focus On Customer Retention Strategies In 2024

According to eMarketer, customer retention will be one of the biggest priorities for Online Businesses in 2024. In fact, they have predicted that customer retention will account for 44% of all Online Business revenue. 

In other words, customers are increasingly looking to do more of their shopping online – including everything from product selection to checkout and shipping.

Not only customer retention will help maintain loyal customers, but it will also encourage more sales and higher profits. 

Here are some reasons why customer retention will be key in 2024:

  • Increasing competition: With more and more companies rise to open a ecommerce business, it’s harder than ever for companies to stand out. If customers leave your company, you’ll lose out on potential sales and revenue.
  • Increased online shopping: More and more people are shopping online, and this trend is only going to increase in 2024. If your customers are loyal, they’re more likely to make a purchase from you again.
  • Increased use of social media: As customers have started to become more accustomed with online shopping and brand, they’re more likely to share their experiences or feedback about your company on social media platforms. This can lead to zero impact in your Online Business growth, if you don’t have good customer retention strategies in place.

Develop New Activities for Customer Retention Strategies

The first thing that most Online Businesses do to retain their existing customers is to send them periodic emails. However, this is not enough. To have an effective customer retention strategy, you need to send attractive emails, remarketing advertising campaigns, social media posts, and events like big billion day, year end sale etc… 

Another thing that Online Businesses can do to retain their customers is to create a community around their brand. 

For example,  Instagram communities and Facebook groups, you can provide customers with helpful tips, discover feedback and suggestions, and earn recommendations directly from the existing customer.

Before diving into advertising strategies, here is what you need to know. So What is Pay-Per-Click? advertising

Build Outbound Marketing Tactics for Customer Retention Strategies

Retaining customers through outbound marketing means that you are reaching out to customers who may not have purchased from you again after their first purchase. With the help of Outbound marketing strategy like  sending e-blasts, Social Media Outreach, and other digital marketing campaigns to the existing customers will help retain the existing customers.

This is key for the long-term success of your company. You can do this through outbound marketing and you can also promote your products and reach out to new customers.

Set Up Return-to-Buy Programs for Customer Retention Strategies

This is one of the most effective customer retention strategies that you can implement in 2024. 

Return-to-buy programs basically allow you to reward your loyal customers.
For example; You can offer a points system or Amazon pay later in which customers earn points for each purchase and referrals made by them. Once customers reach a certain number of points, they can redeem them for rewards such as discounts on their next purchases from your brand. 

With return-to-buy programs, you can also earn a customer’s trust over time.

What Are The Advantages of Using Customer Retention Strategies?

  • Online Businesses that implement customer retention strategies see an increase in customer loyalty. By building relationships with your customers, they are likely to become advocates for your brand. 
  • When your emails or social media posts remind a customer about his previous purchase, he/she is more likely to return to buy from you again. 
  • Customer retention strategies are cost-effective for businesses of all sizes. They don’t require a huge budget for marketing campaigns. You can easily implement customer retention strategies with a small budget. 
  • Whether you are selling digital products or physical products, you can implement customer retention strategies to increase customer loyalty. 

Retaining customers are the ones who are most likely to recommend your products to others.

Looking to drive customer instore visits? Here is how to optimise Google My Business profile to drive instore visits

Ready to increase grow your online business? UTDS Optimal Choice Got You Covered

Are you ready to take your online business to the next level? UTDS Optimal Choice is the perfect solution for you. We are a full-service website development and advertising company that specialises in helping you increase your business growth. We understand how important it is for you to have a successful business, and that’s why we take the time to provide comprehensive services that can help you reach your goals.

Our team of experts is well-versed in the latest strategies and techniques to help you maximise your business growth. Furthermore, our team works closely with you to ensure that your goals are being met and that the strategies are having the desired effect. Contact us today and get started on your journey to success.

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